The Innovation Book (Model & Guidelines)
A comprehensive description of the model ‘Young People with Values’, providing amongst others background, the involved stakeholders, the training program, working program and recruitment system in order to establish the YoPeVa model, inspired by the ‘Jove Valor’ good practice. This result will be developed by the YoPeVa consortium and will serve as a basic guidance on how to scale-up the initial good policy methodology at European level.
You can read our ‘Jove Amb Valor’ Good Practice report here and the Innovation Book can be found here.
Online collaboration platform
Aimed to support staff, project experts and stakeholders to access project resources and results (guidelines, training courses, news & events information, forums). The online collaboration platform will basically be the online space where the aforementioned can be found. The platform will continue to exist after the project ending, contributing tot the project sustainability, making sure that the project’s target groups/stakeholders can access and benefit from the project’s materials beyond the project’s time frame.
Implementation Plan Guidelines
Full guide to support organisations to prepare their Implementation plans and get them approved in order to deploy the model in their region. The Guidelines will involve the main actors needed for the implementation, but will also provide the needed guidance n tutoring of NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), support for businesses, financial planning and more. You can find the Implementation Plan Guidelines here!